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Reiki & Energy Work


Reiki & Energy work basics

As we enter the age of Energetics, you will probably hear about "energy work" or even"Reiki" to move things we are experiencing. Have you ever wondered what they can do for you or how it can affect your life.  A little background in how I came to work and become familiar with this.  I learned about Energy work over 20 years ago when my intuition became louder I got curious about how I can use it for myself and what its capabilities were. I completed training to become a Certified Reiki Master and began my journey.
Reiki is a modality that is baseline in tapping into how energy moves and is stored so we can access unwanted energy and balance ourselves. It uses sayings, hand movements and symbols to feel and move energy. This is something anyone can be "attuned to" or get access to with training. You can use it for yourself or on others by tapping into their energy.
Over the years, I have learned about many energy modalities and ways to diagnose, tap into and treat our energetic field through our physical bodies. This can make us feel lighter, clearer and more aligned with our purpose. All of my modalities utilize energy, frequency and the idea that WE can tap in and access and MOVE this energy productively. 
If you are interested in experiencing a Reiki Session with me, knowing more or being trained in the Frequency of Energetics, inquire below or book on 'book online' area for a personal Reiki Session with me.
I am currently hosting workshops on how you can tap into your best life.​​​​​​​​​
Check Events area for current offerings.

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