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she's got a rock for that...

Updated: Dec 15, 2018

so i'm kinda known as the rock or bead person.

My nephew told my sister that whenever he has an issue, his auntie has a rock for that!!!


so cute.

stones are medicine! 

The good lord gave us these beautiful specimens. 

why are we not using them to heal ourselves…?

kinda naive.

They used to use rocks to heal homeopathically over 100 years ago.

love my beads. 

I make almost all my own bracelets. 

up to over 125 of them.

Colors. Shades. Feelings. Moods. Fashion. Attraction. Love in the stones. Happiness. 

enjoy making them for people

Typically for people I know

strangers do find themselves recipients of my madness sometimes.

Love to spread the knowledge that stones are medicine.

do your research.

see what stones may call you...

its interesting their intelligence should we allow their magic in our lives...

its beautiful

they are powerful.

crazy enough believe.

bead making love spreading goofy girl.


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