On high frequency medicine.
we aren’t always blessed with high frequency medicine.
but spirit sometimes hears the special calls.
Yesterday, I joined my friend, Dijon
in experiencing a beautiful form of expression of source at Shen Yun.
It was a beautiful experience with a powerful soul.
Appreciate the moments with special people.
The ones who can be present for you.
This soul, medicine for me.
Appreciate manifesting high frequency experiences,
like this one
to open my perspective.
soften my experience.
love to be in my space.
this frequency.
receiving this medicine.
get some.
#drayalove #soulsofsociety #friends #yoursoultribe #soultribe #yourpeople #spirit #medicine #wearemedicine #medicineforthesoul #findyourpeople #spendtime #spendtimewisely #medicineforthepeople #shenyun #shenyun2020 #highfrequency #highfrequencysoul #healing #ilovesd #ilovesandiego #gettingbetter #flow #special #specialpeople #beingpresent #theniversechoseus
