As I was guided to pull an Isis card tonight ...
to release some energy...
the Cartouche card came in for me....
Divine names of power.
Reminding me the power of what I call on and my words...
To bless my words or actions that do undue damage that I may have unintentionally done.
Grace of Sweet Lady Isis
Cleanse me now of karmic crisis
Of words said in haste, their affect and cause
Help the spiritual momentum now pause
Negative repercussions now cease
All involved are filled with peace
Your Names if Power end the pain
Dissolve unhappiness, bitterness and the strain
Creating the webs of light and healing
Divine Unconditional love now revealing
#drayalove #isis #oracle #oraclecards #assistance #cardsandcrystals #love #divinelove ##karmic #karmicrelease #ties #release #gently #3d #5d #transitioning #spiritual #self #selfcare #healing #healer #power #powerinthename
