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Cell Salts &
Homeopathic Remedies


Why Cell Salts?


  • ALL-NATURAL mineral supplement provides nutrients vital to maintaining healthy cellular function

  • RESTORES ENERGY AND WELLNESS by promoting a healthy cardiovascular system, immune system and organs

  • HELPS WITH SYMPTOM SUPPORT for colds, headaches & fatigue calms simple nervous tension & anxiety

  • NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS or toxic chemicals.Supports recovery from long-term and chronic illness.


Cells are the building blocks of life


Your body and each of its vital organs are comprised of millions of cells. Those cells need to interact with each other in order to maintain your overall good health. However, cellular function can sometimes become impaired due to poor nutrition, aging or illness. Depriving your body of necessary minerals can result in cellular dysfunction, which in turn can lead to illness and disease.

Bestmade Natural Mineral Supplement fortifies your body with minerals and nutrients. This promotes healthy cell metabolism, optimizes connective tissue production, and helps cells form a natural barrier against damage. An excellent choice for new and nursing mothers. By restoring overall health and balance to your body’s cellular structure, you will experience renewed energy and physical wellness.


In the 1870's Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler revolutionized German Homeopathic Medicine. He  discovered that the body contains 12 minerals in the form of salts and that the cells in your body use these as vital nutritional elements.  They help the cell to function properly and take up the nutrients provided by the food you eat. Without these mineral salts your cells don't work like they should and your body doesn't get the nutrients it needs. This means you are more likely to get sick. With today’s reliance on highly processed foods keeping a healthy balance of minerals in the body is a major challenge, but using cell salts can really improve your overall health.  They can boost your immunity and also address very specific health concerns like headaches, colds, the flu and upset stomach.











Cell Salts, Homeopathy, Healy & the Connection​


 Cell salts are the body's building blocks. Homeopathic remedies can gently aid us along. The Healy Quantum Frequency device can diagnose deficiencies and recommend products. Quantum Frequency Scans for Cell Salt & Homeopathy personalized recommendations for mineral supplementation. Each Scan will provide an PDF report will have detailed explanations of how this medicine works for you and what you can expect. NEW AGE MEDICINE.






Homeopathy usage in the World

India is the country with largest number of homeopaths and in this country Homeopathy seems to be best integrated within the society. Germany, the US, France and United Kingdom are other foreign countries where Homeopathy is recognized as a system of medicine. Homeopathy was taken over by Allopathy in the US in the 1800's with the birth of the American Medical Association and the closures of the Homeopathic Associations and Practitioners. 

It is a beautiful time to recognize the potential integration for both Allopathy & Homeopathy. 

Cell Salts Homeopathic Remedies
Healy Device
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